2019年2月2日 in 船务公司
服務、熱誠、專業、積極 。在二十一世紀,速度與知識決定一切,身為伴隨客戶成長的策略性伙伴,提供專業、迅速、
• 品質政策:服務至上,顧客滿意
• 經營理念:永續經營,利潤共享
• 願景:成為業界的先驅及專家 • 核心價值:熱情 專業 分享的學習團隊
專業、效率、熱誠 是我們對客戶信守的承諾,全體員工更秉持著熱忱的服務精神,提供客戶全球化海空運輸及物流服務。邁向未來,鴻泰國際物流將以提供更優質的服務為目標,創造與客戶雙贏的局面 。
除了自有的台北、香港 、 大陸據點外,鴻泰更擁有完善的全球服務網路代理!主要網路代理分佈於包括 亞洲各主要國家、印度洋、歐洲、美洲、澳洲、紐西蘭、南非、大洋洲 ,提供完整的全球服務網絡。
同時為確保客戶的貨物能在最迅速安全的前提下抵達目的地,更以高度的資訊化,與客戶保持密切聯繫,以最具效率的服務品質完成客戶所交付的任務 。
offers you this "transit time-saving" and "cost-effective" viable solution of sea-air combined service via DXB / SIN to Europe and USA via TPE / ICN or via LAX/MIA to S.America,as an alternate to the exclusive air or ocean freight service in the event of missing shipping window or facing a late delivery of the merchandise. This service is in particular advantageous to customers who are looking for significant costs down in transportation by air or those operating with low inventories in rapidly changing industries such as footwear,consuming electronics and fashion items,will find the lead time of your consignments reduced by 55% in an average compared with a seafreight-only routing and approximately 40% savings on costs by air.
UT Freight Services is operating in collaborations with our overseas partners to ensure a seamless handling at the transit points and allow you to choose your own hub.UT Freight's air and seafreight experts coordinate this operation from the very beginning once the cargo is received at our dedicated CFS at origin, and stuffed into our own consolidation containers or complete FCL containers, all sea-air cargo is labeled by special color codes, for expedited transfer to respective airports in transit then follow through in every checking points until goods handed over to consignee at destination.
This innovative solution is affordable and reliable. It is specially designed to enable you to meet your export deadlines when space choke in the peak season.

• 世界各地航线运输安排
• 包板运输安排
• 海空陆复合运输安排
• 进口运输安排排
服務、熱誠、專業、積極 。在二十一世紀,速度與知識決定一切,身為伴隨客戶成長的策略性伙伴,提供專業、迅速、
• 品質政策:服務至上,顧客滿意
• 經營理念:永續經營,利潤共享
• 願景:成為業界的先驅及專家 • 核心價值:熱情 專業 分享的學習團隊
專業、效率、熱誠 是我們對客戶信守的承諾,全體員工更秉持著熱忱的服務精神,提供客戶全球化海空運輸及物流服務。邁向未來,鴻泰國際物流將以提供更優質的服務為目標,創造與客戶雙贏的局面 。
除了自有的台北、香港 、 大陸據點外,鴻泰更擁有完善的全球服務網路代理!主要網路代理分佈於包括 亞洲各主要國家、印度洋、歐洲、美洲、澳洲、紐西蘭、南非、大洋洲 ,提供完整的全球服務網絡。
同時為確保客戶的貨物能在最迅速安全的前提下抵達目的地,更以高度的資訊化,與客戶保持密切聯繫,以最具效率的服務品質完成客戶所交付的任務 。
offers you this "transit time-saving" and "cost-effective" viable solution of sea-air combined service via DXB / SIN to Europe and USA via TPE / ICN or via LAX/MIA to S.America,as an alternate to the exclusive air or ocean freight service in the event of missing shipping window or facing a late delivery of the merchandise. This service is in particular advantageous to customers who are looking for significant costs down in transportation by air or those operating with low inventories in rapidly changing industries such as footwear,consuming electronics and fashion items,will find the lead time of your consignments reduced by 55% in an average compared with a seafreight-only routing and approximately 40% savings on costs by air.
UT Freight Services is operating in collaborations with our overseas partners to ensure a seamless handling at the transit points and allow you to choose your own hub.UT Freight's air and seafreight experts coordinate this operation from the very beginning once the cargo is received at our dedicated CFS at origin, and stuffed into our own consolidation containers or complete FCL containers, all sea-air cargo is labeled by special color codes, for expedited transfer to respective airports in transit then follow through in every checking points until goods handed over to consignee at destination.
This innovative solution is affordable and reliable. It is specially designed to enable you to meet your export deadlines when space choke in the peak season.

• 世界各地航线运输安排
• 包板运输安排
• 海空陆复合运输安排
• 进口运输安排排
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